Sit down and rest a spell!

December 5, 2006

So Sage, Elise and Miss Riley have been kind enough to let me stay at my old flat in downtown Ashland! Thanks guys! My first night, a bit tipsy after the Sheep, I was greeted by an extremely toxic moldy toilet seat! Ick, there’s stuff growing in there Sage! If I’d had the forethought, I would have taken some photos. Alas, no moldy shots. This morning, Eric obliged to accompany me to Ashland Hardware to search for a new and mold free version. Thanks Turner! In true Ashland style we ran in the Chauncey (aka John Miller) who was able to offer his professional opinion of the options that lay before us (see picture).

I’m really getting into this whole MySpace thing now. It actually IS pretty kewl for connecting with friends and rekindling previous acquaintances as I met up with a fellow I hadn’t seen in years (literally) last night for a flick and post show hot toddy (his first ever) at the Sheep. What fun and what a gentleman he’d become!

Ashland has been fabulous to me this time around reminding me to keep my heart open but not exposed thus keeping my ego in check. I’m still hella excited to depart for Spain and am still working out the details but already thinking of my return “home” to Ashland in about a year. Who knows what my ever-changing life has to hold? I do know my days and nights here are filled with incredibe twists and turns and I’m loving every minute of it. I guess the thank you goes to Nicole whom was the core reason I stopped in Ashland this time in the first place. I think of you daily my little chick-a-dee. I smile. I laugh. I cry. I grumble. I miss you! I’m looking forward to celebrating your life tomorrow and sharing a brunch with so many of the ladies lives you have touched! I hope I continue to become the crazy, cosmopolitan and classic lady you’ve always hoped I would be. I’ll forever be your little jet-setter!

Oh the times they are a changing

December 3, 2006

So I’m not quite sure where this whole Oldies song title theme came from but they just keep popping into my head. The old neurotransmitters are still communicating I guess! Denise and James came into town this past week and it was fabulous to get to spend some quality time with them. They’re back on the 14th so the fun will continue!

Joewell is going better than could be imagined after not having “professional training” for a couple of weeks now. Tiffany has been helping me and I’m learning a bit about the Anky system. The concepts are basic but not falling into the old habits is hard! Joewell seems to like the work and DAMN his top line is getting nice fast!!!

So Nicole passed and I’m sticking around Ashland a bit longer. I spoke with Bemelmans on Friday and he says he’ll be working with the team down in Spain preparing for Sunshine Tour pretty much January and February so it’s probably best if Joewell, Picollo and I simply go directly to Spain. He gave me a contact in Spain to see about arranging a box. I believe the city is Gijon which is up north near the Basque country and on the coast! I should know more on Tuesday as to obtaining a box space, training with Jean in Spain and what Spanish rider I would be training with during Jean’s absence. The plan is to transport down with the team in March for Sunshine Tour, compete in the 3 week show and return to Germany in April to continue training at Jean’s in Krefeld.

Life is ever-changing at the moment so I’m not holding my breath but it would be fabulous to go directly to Spain, by-passing the horrid German winter, getting to spend time with my Spanish friends, train with Jean, compete at Sunshine and then return to Germany once the more pleasant Spring weather comes around!

Thanks for the gumbo Denise! You’re a rocking, crazy coonass cook!! Love you!

The pict is Picollo and Rupert doing impersonations of snow bunnies this past week up behind Lithia Park.

What more could a girl want for Christmas?..

December 1, 2006

Besides two insanely gorgeous men, a warm fire, beautiful view of Ashland below and a disco tree-trimming extravaganza! Charley and Nate were kind enough to share their tree trimming experience with me. Last year Christmas was a bit of a wash after Picollo’s surgery. Twas nice to get to hang with my mom in Texas but just trying being forced to be there due to Picollo’s recovery and the whole culture shock after a year and a half in Spain. Wow! Plus all that FOX news Gary watches just drove me bonkers. Hehe! Good thing I can laugh about it now!

So yes, the boys let me help with the tree and what a beautiful tree it is!

Bye Bye Miss American Pie… The day the music died.

November 28, 2006

I awaken to oodles of snow sinking from the darkened sky and an unwelcomed phone call from Eric letting me know Nicole passed last night. The rabbi was presently there. Eric would phone me later to connect.

One minute someone is there and the next second they can be gone but God did she have an incredible life! A life ends but the little pitter patter of feet on the snowy pavement and the splatter of wet tires rolling past me below moves on.

I will miss you my “cutie patoo-tee” and may your memories live on through the multitude of lives you have touched here in Ashland and throughout the universe! You will always be my fellow gypsy soul, cusp companion and that little mentored voice in my head that pushes me to make sound yet often wickedly fabulous decisions in life!

Winter Wonderland

November 27, 2006

During the holidays, Ashland turns into a little gingerbread house of a town with it’s festival of lights. Every evening, the whole downtown is engulfed in a show of lights outlining Ashland’s favorite hot spots. This morning I woke with hopes of getting to see Nicole, getting myself settled for a bit, having an incredible work session on Joewell and going to cirque class with Susan. What I wasn’t planning on was waking to fabulous snow covered mountains and a crisp chill in the air. I quickly checked the weather in Düsseldorf to find it QUITE a bit WARMER over there. So those nay-sayers telling me I’ll hate the winter in Germany and Holland and the cold will be too much for me probably hadn’t thought that after 8 years living in snowy southern Oregon I might be a tiny, tiny bit prepared for the chill!

Once upon a star-ee night

November 22, 2006

So I’m still here in Ashland and still spending a good portion of my evenings at my long time home away from home, The Black Sheep. Over the years, I’ve probably spent more time out at the Sheep than anywhere else in Ashland. I’m greeted by a few new faces that could likely become a few new friends yet still enamored with long time close pals like Kari. Kari and her brilliant lemon pictures were taken to the next level this past night. The photo perspective is from behind the bar, on the ground up to the starry skied ceiling of the Sheep and into the amazing glass blown light installation by local Ashland artist.

Thanksgiving is approaching (my first one stateside in several years) and I’m happy to be sharing it with Gary, Pam, Abbey and family! Overall, it’s been fabulous getting to spend some time back home in Ashland!