What Type Of Horse Tack Trunk, Box Or Armoire Do You Use? HorseGirlTV® Fan Mail Answered

May 10, 2012

I get tons of fan mail from all over the world asking questions about me, about the series and offering suggestions for future episode, site or blog ideas and I work hard to keep up with personally replying to them all. I thought it fun to pick a question here or there and answer on my blog so here goes. This week it’s from Claire in Atlanta, Georgia. She emails,

“My Rubbermaid tack trunk just broke down after lots of abuse and I was wondering what kind of tack trunk you would advise along with how you would organize it. I am boarding my horse at a barn and I don’t have to keep my saddle in my trunk but everything else including; wraps, grooming, bathing, saddle pads, bridle, etc. Thanks so much, and i LOVE the show, Claire”

Thanks very much for the email Claire! You send in some super questions and I’ve enjoyed answering them for you! I have actually had the same two tack trunks the last several years and they have traveled with me to New York, flown over and back to The Netherlands, driven down to Wellington as well as up to Maryland and have held up SUPER well. They are your basic Contico lockable plastic trunks with wheels that I bought from my local hardware store each for under $70! Mine looks much like the one posted.

Now this is not to say that I haven’t fantasized about an elite hunter jumper style barn tack trunk running upwards of $800 as I have, but I’ve ended up focusing my horse finances on training and the best equipment rather than an elite, more than just functional, fancy place to put all my top equipment. I’ve seen the traditional tack trunks through the years and they generally hold up incredibly well and if you have grooms to schlep them around for you, then you’re golden!

In my surfing, I came across this website that sells plans for building your own and it seems they have a wide variety of options and have sold plans to quite a few people. Maybe they will send me some? Hmmm? Looks like the architects name is Bill and his testimonials page that I landed on is at http://www.elitetackdesign.com/PBTrunks.html and there’s several neat variations of his original plans published on this page. My favorite is the top one made by Don Cogzill for his granddaughter (pictured).

While training in The Netherlands as well as living in Madrid, I gained an appreciation for the metal rolling cases! It was one stop unpacking to the competitions when your lorrie rolled up, you simply unloaded the horse and rolled off your metal tack armoire with massive locking casters and voila! Unpack complete and ready to school! These are challenging to find stateside but not impossible and I’ve thought when I finally break down and invest in a “proper” tack trunk I’ll go this route with a small to medium sized version large enough for 1 saddle, 2 bridles, heaps of polos, standing wraps, misc training gear and a plethora of saddle pads as well as my boots & helmet too. Sounds like I’m leaning to the medium size on my wish list! So far I’ve only found pictures of the small metal version but you’ll get the idea. They seem nearly indestructible and come with easy tie downs for the horse box or air cargo rides you might have in your future! So, if you’re thinking of a holiday or birthday present for me, think no further! 😉 You can try contacting these guys at http://www.everythingbutthehorsellc.com. I don’t know anything about them but if you do, please share the info with me!

Lastly, while I’m on the role of wish lists, I’ve came across the most brilliant soft sided cases at Oughton Limited. While these “tack trunks” seem far to posh for your horse gear they are sure to inspire the organized, packing junkie inside all of us! Whether you winter in Wellington, ride the HITS Circuit, take frequent trips aboard, or even just drive down the road to the local schooling competition, this Rolling Tack Trunk from Oughton Limited is AMAZING (in the photos as least as I haven’t been fortunate enough to see this one in person!). It seems large enough to accommodate weeks on the road and their description boasts, “astonishingly large amount of tack and organization required when traveling with horses inspired the versatile Rolling Tacktrunk Bag. Made of waxed canvas trimmed in premium bridle leather and imported bronze fittings, the Rolling Tacktrunk is the ideal piece of luggage for riders. Pack all your street clothes and sundries for several weeks of showing or saddle, boots, hat, and more. Special padded bottom to protect your saddle.” so in fact one can transport tack in this lucious looking piece of luggage art if they so desired. I’ve emailed with them a bit this week and they are so nice! You can check out their website at http://www.oughtonlimited.com.

Well, Claire, thanks again for the many questions you’ve sent in. I hope my replies have been helpful and I hope you find this post equally as helpful. If you’d like to send in a question, you can do so at http://contact.horsegirltv.com and select “Ask Angelea” so it will get forward to me directly!

Cheers, happy spring & in case you haven’t already, please subscribe to my weekly Equestrian Life, Style & Culture Guide. It’s free!

Every Tuesday, I sends subscribers a curated email containing my favorite blogs, episode, special offers and more. All the kewl peeps are doing it! Join heaps of your peers! Enter your name, email & click Subscribe


My Baby Is All Grown Up!

May 10, 2012

This picture of one of Picollo’s birthday parties was too cute not to post but it’s not his birthday for a few more months! It is HorseGirlTV’s birthday. This month, 5 years ago, HorseGirlTV was born to the world of the Internet and she hasn’t looked back since! Not only is this a 5 year celebration but the 100th episode is launching this month too and, as if that’s not enough, it wouldn’t be a birthday celebration if there were not some fabulous gifts. The gifts will be given to you, yes YOU, because my fans are the best fans on the planet and Team HorseGirlTV is so very thankful for you!

What can you win?
Well, I queried our Facebook fans and this is what we came up with from their feedback. How about…

Any of these can be yours and entering is FREE and simple! As for the how, well, my gift to HorseGirlTV for turning a very mature Internet 5 years old, is an effort to bring her into a more sophisticated light. I’ve began curating a weekly Equestrian Life, Style & Culture Guide and you might be reading this because you’ve received the pilot version. If so, WELCOME and THANKS for subscribing and you’re ALREADY entered to win any of the gifts above. So the simple part of entering? Just subscribe to my new weekly email guide (← click that) and you’re automatically entered! If you want TWO chances dropped in the ole top hat drawing then just follow us on Twitter (twitter.com/HorseGirlTV) and Tweet this (just copy and paste below)…

@HorseGirlTV is turning 5 yrs & launching 100th episode. I want gifts! I’m entering 2 win over $1000 in prizes. Pls RT http://bitly.com/hgtv5yrs

There’s no purchase necessary and subscribing more than once won’t improve your odds of winning. Whatever special giveaway rules your state, province or country might have would apply to you and HorseGirlTV asks that you cover the actual shipping cost of your item.

BTW, Picollo will be 12 years old this year and although he has a significant amount of gray around the chin he’s still as spry as he was in the 4 year old birthday picture on this blog. He has more energy than an able bodied dog and definitely a massive heart.

Happy Birthday HorseGirlTV and a huge thanks to YOU, our fans, for making these the most spectacular last 5 years! Good luck!

Get your weekly dish of equestrian life & style!

May 4, 2012

We just launched the latest HorseGirlTV Classics Life Of A Modern Day Cowboy In America with Richard Damon. This is a brilliant throw back to early HorseGirlTV content shot in the beautiful Southern Oregon’s Rogue Valley.
[jwplayer config=”Blog Player” mediaid=”3040″]

For those ever curious about my day to day, I’ve decided to work on a “what I eat” journal to empower my desire to shift away from processed and towards whole foods. The first entry, The Path To Whole Foods – What I Ate Today is online at http://blog.horsegirltv.com.

After a fabulous and compact winter in Wellington, it’s made me want to do some serious streamlining with my personal and equine lifestyle therefore, I’ve gone through my closets and tack room and am listing TONS of items on eBay at http://bitly.com/WellyFund. I’ve decided the funds will go in my special “Wellington Fund” for upcoming training. Items include some seriously rocking breeches and other fine apparel both new and previously worn, horse saddles, bridles, pads, books & DVDs, technical gear including and upcoming listing for my iPhone 3GS as well as possibly my iPad!

In the spirit of shopping we’re going to start re-defining the HorseGirlTV Webshop. Yes, I was surprised to find out that many fans had NO idea we have a Webshop selling HorseGirlTV Official Merchandise, fantastic apparel and even offer the absolute BEST price (meeting and beating any regular advertised price) on SUCCEED Digestive Conditioning Program. Check it out at shop.horsegirltv.com/ and get your buy and click on!

Some of you guys know I’m a candidate in the USDF L Program. It’s my life long dream to be an international rider and make the top 12 to represent at Gladstone so I’m not 1000% about becoming an official judge. That said, the education the L Program imparts is amazing and I’m really enjoying the process. I have the best scribe in the industry and look forward to completing the program here soon. At least the Part I is a must for anyone looking for the insiders/judges view of riding tests. It’s a firehose of information but the content is fabulous. Last weekend I attended the D2 session in Houston and was fortunate enough to watch Courtney King-Dye have a go at obtaining a qualifying spot for London 2012 Para-Equestrian Olympics. Here’s the tweet picture of her freestyle https://twitter.com/horsegirltv/.

TGIF and a super weekend to you all! Happy Derby!

The Path To Whole Foods – What I Ate Today

May 3, 2012


  • 1 cup Kona French Press Coffee
  • 1 cup Plain Organic Yogurt w/ Amber Agave Nectar, Museli, touch of Organic Gluten free vanilla
  • 1 banana
  • (prep time, including coffee bean grind 7 minutes)


  • 1 crisy whole wheat, no sugar added, waffer w/ no sugar added peanut butter
  • 2 handfuls of pistachios
  • 1 blended – handful of blueberries, 5 strawberries, 1 Tbsp. no sugar added, plain, organic yogurt & 1/2 cup almond milk & crushed ice
  • (prep time 4 minutes)


  • Left over 100% whole wheat pasta with homemade margherita sauce
  • Shot of wheatgrass
  • 2400mg Fish Oil


  • Oatmeal w/ apple, cinnamon, blueberries, almond milk & agave nectar


  • Plain popcorn w/ Brewer’s yeast

A Fav Range Of Horsey Products From Perri’s Leather

March 30, 2012

I’ve been using a variety of Perri’s Leather products this past year and thought I should do a little review of some of my favorites.

My introduction to Perri’s stuff was when I bought their Fleece Lined Bell Boots from Equestrian Collections this time last year. I used them daily for riding and we train hard and they’ve held up well. One of the two velcro tabs has finally broken loose but they are still usable so I think that’s a good test of a bell boot plus they don’t rub, look great and are easy to wash in the machine then let sit overnight to dry.

A few weeks later I got their Amish made leather draw reins and have used them off and on when needed in training and the quality of the leather is hands down way superior to anything I’ve had.

I was then fortunate enough to have Weatherbeeta provide the absolute best blanket I’ve ever had for the “How To Fit A Blanket” webisode and Perri’s sent a super cute matching leather halter with teal padding for the shoot. They also have these super kewl matching leads as well as matching dog leash and collar and are simply the BEST quality. Again they are Amish made and seriously super quality plus so pretty to look at with the nice bright padding. The stable we’re at in Wellington suggests that we turnout with the halter over the fly mask in the paddocks and of course Hansel rolls multiple times and gets it super dusty and dirty but a simple wipe down with a damp cloth and it’s back to pristine brand new look.

Moving on up in the training, I’ve experimented with some long lining twice to practice half steps and their long lines are instantly comfy in the hands, perfect length and much better than the last paid I had which broke down after only a few years use plus I have a lunge line that I use not only for lunging my horse, my neighbors horses but likewise for loading and unloading. Since I typically load solo, I take and run the lunge through the box, out the door and around so I can still hang on loosely when going behind to put up the bum bar and closing it up. This gets it quite dirty but the black color with a little rinse with water and it’s super duper once again.

Let’s see what else?.. I’ve been looking at their bridles the last couple of months. Being a striking chestnut, I was thinking how cute Hansel would look in a chocolate bridle and I’ve been wanting to ask if they make a chocolate version of their dressage crank bridle.

It’s up in the air but I do think it would be a super fun webisode to interview one of their Amish crafts people from PA. It would be the second Amish interview after the “Amish Built Modular Barns” webisode which was just SO much fun with Jake at J&N Structures who came down from PA to install our stable in 3 hours!

If you have any suggestions or questions about any products you’d be interested in hearing about, please let me know. I’m happy to try stuff and blog on feedback. I’ve been very fortunate to be able to try lots of super products and there is just so much great stuff out there!

Thanks for reading and happy riding!

Picollo & Dr. Rose’s Remedies

March 20, 2012

I’ve been meaning to blog about this for quite some time now. You all know the famous Picollo, super fabulous dachshund and all around HorseGirlTV mascot, no? Well he’s been a cart dog now for 6 of his 11 years and is rolling along just fine, even accepting a few cameo roles on HorseGirlTV now and again.

Being incontenient is not without it’s challenges. He’ll forever be in diapers so wherever we go (and he GOES lots of places) also comes along a diaper bag with pads, plastic baggies, diaper covers, wet naps, baby powder, his no cart baggie, a toy of course and general doggie stuff. No matter how often you change a diaper the moisture that built up on his little belly created this really dark veiny discoloration that look far from healthy and I tried a variety of products to get it to go away and reveal his cute pink little belly color again but nothing worked until I contacted Tony at DRR and he sent me over some spray and salve. Tony told me I would be surprised at how well it worked but I still was a little skeptical and unfortunately I didn’t take before pictures. 🙁 The black rash was going away in 2 days and completely gone within the week. I ran out of the spray and started using the salve and now I’m down to every other day or so or even once a week just when I feel like he needs it. It’s all natural too and no side effects! So, after little Picollo’s bladder is expressed, I wipe him down with a wet nap then apply a little DRR salve and it’s just perfect with no greasy residue.

I wanted to say a huge thanks to Tony and Dr. Rose at DRR for letting me try their super product! You guys rock! 🙂

I’d asked them for some before an afters of other successes from DRR use and here they are. Pretty amazing results if you ask me!..

Ozzie February 9, 2009:

Ozzie February 24, 2009

Steffi February 9, 2009:

Steffi February 24, 2009: