HorseGirlTV Mystery Machine AND Virginia or bust!

June 6, 2007

So the HorseGirlTV Mystery Machine (aka my Jeep and our new cargo trailer) are ready for the journey cross country! Between my organization, Mike with Art Effects, Scott at Progressive Audio and Ronnie at Mankin Motorsports the tiny rig is ready! The trailer graphics are too cool and it’s the perfect size for hauling cross country (I think) and to take to horse shows and events this summer.

We loaded up the little rig last night. I got up semi early this morning to get a ride on Jo before hitting the road. Of course he was a prince and although we only did walk, trot and canter his collection was fabulous and oh so fun!

Virginia here we come!

It’s Reining. It’s Pouring!

June 1, 2007

It’s time again for another episode! I had a BLAST with this one and it shows! This is my favorite episode thus far. John was so much fun to work with, the content was good and the production was very witty and entertaining (Thanks Brent! You rock!). The work is really starting to come together and I can’t wait to see what HorseGirlTV will be like in another 3 months! Yahoo!

I learned my lesson though! Never again will I schedule two shoots, an episode release a mere 24 hours before I have planned to move from one side of the country to the other. Hehe!

Our site mentioned on Ultimate Dressage!

May 15, 2007

This is all starting to happen really fast. Episode two is launched! We’ve been plying our editor extraordinaire with tasty grub worms and Caramel Frappacinos and he is just finishing up the export of our final movie file to get it down to 100MB and under for our YouTube channel then we’ll have a complete release for the second show across our official site, iTunes and YouTube. I’ve been working too hard to notice until the past few days just how many positive comments there are out there about the show and it’s absolutely fabulous. We have some great, all five star, reviews on iTunes which means a lot, we are getting YouTube subscribers, our Myspace friends list is growing and now to top it off some kind person posted to the Ultimate Dressage newsgroup a nice comment about us! THANKS to whomever “coopersmom” is as we really appreciate the link and thanks to Ultimate Dressage for having such a wicked cool place for dressage enthusiasts to network!

Please keep the feedback coming in! I can’t wait to get Episode three launched on June 1st. We are really becoming well rounded with our dressage pilot, importing horses follow-up and future release of our reining episode! Yahoo!

Also, stayed tuned as we’re planning a “the buzz” bi-monthly news segment so you’ll soon be able to watch new material on HorseGirlTV EVERY week.

We are on iTunes, MySpace AND YouTube! Wahoo!

April 30, 2007

So we’re almost ready to launch the complete site and i’m getting pretty darn happy about it. episode two is currently in the editing room. i’m excited to be shooting several really interesting episodes this weekend! it’s happening, slowly but surely and seems like i can see the light at the end of the tunnel this week! so if you have time, check out our pages:




What happens in Vegas…

April 25, 2007

…doesn’t always stay in Vegas as I sadly found out! A quick in and out to Las Vegas for the World Cup was awesome and polished off by an absolutley divine dinner at a restaurant not to be named at the Venetian. Post dinner we caught a limo back to the airport with a driver that was out of this world but (and this is my best guess) fit perfectly into Vegas lifestyle. It seems that his pastors partner was a multi-million dollar real estate developer in Vegas and that she did not give him a hard time about taking his fairs to strip clubs since he did get a bonus AND they have some telecommuted bible study on Thursday nights with their lead person at some University some where in the mid-West? Anyway… that was an uber-digression and you’d just had to be there to listen to this guy talk! It was a riot!

So… we get on the plane which is about 30 minutes late in departing and all get snuggled in for a quick flight back up to Medford. It is a red-eye flight after all so we’re gonna get a quick nap. I wake before landing realizing I’m locating the bag in the “seatback pocket in front of you” just to make sure I know where it is “in case” and marvel that I might actually have motion sickness on a plane. It’s never happened before I think. I must just be really tired and worn out from a quick and fast paced weekend. Long story short, we de-board, get to the car and I’m still feeling nauseous but thinking the fresh air will fix me right up. We get ALMOST back to the farm went it hits me and I MUST roll down the window and “let go” out the window WHILE the car is moving. For this I feel horrible as the side of his the car was a mess. Sorry! To shorten it even more, I get sick all night long, run a pretty high fever all the next day where Debra is so kind as to bring me meds and soup! Thanks Debra! I’m too weak to be upset about not being able to work on HorseGirlTV (the release party is the next night) and sleep through the night to wake drained but with a broken fever!

TO WRAP… It’s a new rule of thumb for me now to never eat seafood (no matter how fine dining it is) over 100 miles from the ocean! I proved the saying wrong… What happens in Vegas, doesn’t always stay in Vegas, especially if your flight if followed by a meal of tasty yet probably too rare scallops!

Oh and the cute picture has nothing to do with the story! More on the World Cup to follow!

Houston, we have lift off. I repeat, we have lift off!

April 20, 2007

Yes. Yes. Yes. Y. E. S. Yes! It’s been months in the making but we have episode 1 of HorseGirlTV entitled, “Grooming for Anky van Grunsven: Tiffany Tyler and her developing equestrian career” and it’s pretty darn good if I must say so myself! Brent at Jackhammer Films did a fabulous job of taking our first efforts at creating one of our little mini stories and making it look neat, intelligent and even witty. We’re not officially launching the website until May 1st as I still have to finalize the database for the market listings, create the Flash version for those non-Quicktime users, submit the piece to the iTunes Music Store and pray they will add us not to mention finish a bagillion other things to polish off the site.

With that said, you can take a look at it now by pointing your browser to but remember while episode 1 IS the final cut the website itself is NOT a final draft. FYI, our releases will be at the first and fifteen of every month so we’ll regularly have new and exciting shows for you to watch! Runtime will vary but average 6-7 minutes.

Well after that digression, I’m done for the night! I still have to pack as we’re flying out to Las Vegas for the World Cup Dressage and Jumping! Should be an exciting and fun filled weekend and I’m looking forward to it! I can’t wait to watch some amazing Dressage freestyles.