
November 1, 2007

What’s shaking at HorseGirlTV? Me!!! I’ve had way, wayyyyyyyyy too much coffee today, been chatting with some great potential partners for our show and we shot a really fun introduction to episode 13 to continue our series for The International Gold Cup Races! Yahoo! Let’s see what else happened this week? I hear Jo (the horse) is being a superstar that he is and that Dirk is having a blast with him! Jo (the boyfriend) was out freezing in the field earlier this week and finds out his MOS here shortly! Picollo (the dog) realized that eating pork bones is NOT a good thing and I, well honestly it’s been such a long, long week with so many highs and lows and long hours that I can barely remember what happened. Tehe! Gosh! What did I do?.. notes on rough and final cuts, voice over work, meeting with potential partners, working with IT on web dev stuff, looking for a personal assistant (this one is gonna happen soon and I’m sooooo excited about it), brainstorming with Ex (always fun) and oh yes Halloween with no trick-or-treaters and a definite longing for The Black Sheep. Bahhhhh! Big stuff happening Monday and Tuesday of next week with more fun announcements to follow!

Happy Birthday Kristina!

October 28, 2007

They say a picture paints a thousand words! Less words and more pictures! Surprise Kristina!!!

International Gold Cup

October 22, 2007

The 70th annual running of the International Gold Cup was this past weekend in The Plains, Virginia! While I miss my family of friends in Oregon I am fast learning to love this amazing horse community here in Virginia. We had way too much fun shooting at this event, met some fabulous people and I even got a ride in a fancy Porche by days end! Did you know that you could haul a regular bumper pull horse trailer with a Porche Cayenne? No way I say! Sign me up!

Between enjoying the display of beautiful hats and tweed jackets in the VIP tent while partaking in divine (that one was for you Nicole!) hors d’oeuvres splashed back by a sip of champagne, watching some of the days seven races or the terriers do their barking and chasing, we were well educated about this adrenaline rush of a sport known as timber racing or steeplechase by various owners, riders and grooms. And I thought I was ambitious at the thought of someday taking jumping lessons. Whoa, these folks go full racing gallop towards solid logs. Yes, I said and meant SOLID logs and they aren’t low either!

Our team was able to get some amazing b roll as we were allowed ON the field and likewise offered the exclusive backstage pass to go into the stabling area and follow a horse from it’s preparation, to the paddock, to the course, and then onto the race. It was a treat and I am so thankful that Bendure Communications invited us.

The Marine Corp is small so I find it very serendipitous that the interviews and subsequent episodes presenting themselves are more often than not associated in some way with a Marine. The Double L Tack Store happened to be owned by a Marine who served in Korea for two tours and this past weekend we had the honor of meeting Nick Arundel who received Purple Hearts from both Korean and Vietnam! What a great interview it was. What amazing stories I imagine he holds and what an incredible philanthropist he is in saving the now Great Meadow land from development!

I could go on and on about the day and all its special moments but you’ll just have to catch the episodes to get a glimpse inside was this years’ International Gold Cup. I can’t wait for more!

Longaberger, birthdays and football during the weeklong FEX

October 18, 2007

Well it was a long and a short week. I started this past Monday out sending Ex off early in the AM to begin his weeklong field exercises. I also started out early that morning and ended up putting in a 16-hour day. By the end of the day I was completely trashed and barely remember the final few hours of work. Hmmm? Long days aren’t bad as I get so much work done but perhaps it’s best I stop around 10 to 12 hours from now on? Hehe!

It has been a week packed with work but equally packed with fun events! Amy had her first Longaberger Open House and my first home show type event ever. They have some awesome baskets and really cool pottery and although there’s really nothing I couldn’t live without, I ended up getting a nice 8 by 8 baking dish for those lazy days when I just want to pull a pre-prepped lasagna out of the freezer and bake it!

It was also Aisha’s birthday and with Short in the field as well I was honored to get to share her birthday dinner with her over at Pancho Villa’s off Garrisonville Road! Now I didn’t promise I wouldn’t put this picture up and it’s just too darn cute not to. If she sees this and asks me to pull it down, I will of course but until then enjoy this adorable picture of a sombrero-ed out Aisha with deep fried ice cream!

With fall in full swing out here in Virginia, what would an evening be without football, especially little league football! I went to one of Regan’s games to watch, visit a bit with Jenn and thoroughly crack up inside at the parents taking this sport all too seriously. I am all for training and working hard to win but it’s just too dang funny to watch some of these parents sprout grey hairs by the minute over something as insignificant to a lifetime as winning or loosing a little league game. Mental note to self, live my life to the fullest so I can never be accused of living vicariously through my children and rather enjoy watching and supporting them in their desired sports or hobbys! Now Jenn’s the perfect mom, supporting of their desires but not pushing them so they’ll end up hating it. It was too much fun and I ate WAY too many gummy worms!

I’m VERY excited to attend this years’ International Gold Cup! This is a big deal for HorseGirlTV and I’m quite honored that we were invited to attend especially since their blog states how they denied free tickets to Britney Spears! It’s good, yet sad to know we rate well above crashing ‘A’ list singers!

relocation, breyer tour stop, great new happenings and columbus day!

October 7, 2007

Woohoo! It’s Columbus Day weekend and I’m working. Work? What do you mean work? How can this be work if it’s so dang fun? It’s been a whirlwind last few weeks and I’m now promising I’m going to blog more regularly. There really is NO spare time right now but I’m just gonna have to make some to keep up with the blog as things are expanding fast and I should blog it! Regardless, here’s the long and the short of the last few weeks. HorseGirlTV recently relocated to Stafford, Virginia. It’s a much more centrally located east coast headquarters for us and we’re almost settled! Jessica recently took a great career move opportunity with a law firm in DC so we sadly lost her excellent writing skills, enthusiasm, and equine knowledge. Hopefully we’ll soon find someone to fill her shoes. It’s going to be hard but there’s a special candidate out there.

There is just more exciting news after more exciting news these days!! We are in talks with numerous top players in the equine industry. As good fortune would have it, they are all complementary to one another and the partnerships are boding for win-win-win all around. It’s an honor and I’m quite excited to be speaking with the makers of some products that I’ve personally used for 25 years. I knew HorseGirlTV would be big but just didn’t realize how big this fast. It’s lots of work but I’m loving every minute of it!

Yesterday was an ABSOLUTE blast! We shot an episode at Double L Tack Shop in Fredericksburg, VA with Kathleen Fallon of Breyer Model Horses. Double L is THE hot stop for the tour in the southeast regions and it was great to be a part of it. The interview with Kathleen was great and I’m so looking forward to seeing the rough cut of this one as it’s simply going to be the best so far! A special thanks to Linda and Lori at Double L. They put on a fabulous event as attested by the many smiling faces enjoying the arts and crafts, collector talk, not to mention the chance to meet a real live Breyer model horse! Bouncer, a world champion combined driving Welsh Pony was featured star for the afternoon and his owners were on hand to autograph his model for the Breyer enthusiasts! I can’t tell you how much fun it was so you’ll just have to watch the upcoming episode for more! Oh and check out my kewl t-shirt in the images! Equine Imagewear was kind enough to send me some of their line and what comfy t-shirts! They even have the HorseGirlTV blue!!!

HorseGirlTV has a new team member! Our newest member is Director of Photography, Don Napolean, and we’re so excited to have him on board. His creative talents are really going to send the show to the next level and will develop him quickly to a Field Producer position! Ex has been promoted to Associate Producer. Apart from just his genuine support and passion for the show, he is constant brainstorming for ways to improve HorseGirlTV. There is no title that can express the value his input provides!

Labor Day and the 96

September 4, 2007

Yahoo! This weekend was Labor Day and I took full advantage of it! After several 60 hour weeks with HorseGirlTV I’m ready for a break. The upside? Ex got a 96 which means he has not only Monday but Tuesday off as well and probably well deserved after all their time in the field this past week but I hear it was really educational. We did a whole lot of nothing this weekend and made lots and lots of food.

Taking advantage of the holiday we went to the USMC Museum in Quantico. The building itself is a sight as the exterior angles are modeled after the flag raising at Iwo Jima. You can see it in the background of the first picture. The museum was interesting regardless but I was on the lookout for horse related topics to forward my research for a hopeful upcoming episode about the history of horses in the Marines. In the second picture you can see the Horse Marines in China which is what I hope to partially focus the episode on. An interesting band of Marines riding Mongolian ponies in China and for a stint lead by Mr. Marine himself “Chesty Puller.” If you’re near DC I recommend the museum. It’s free, fun, and filled with well presented and wonderful educational content.