More Photo Shoot Stuff

July 20, 2009

It’s going to be a long time going but we’ve been weeding through over 800 photos from our shoot this past week here at HorseGirlTV Studios! I thought I’d share just a couple samples. It was just too much fun and Janice is awesome behind the camera making for a fun time!

I don’t remember what we were all looking at but it must have been something quite interesting!

This is definitely a Eddie Bauer/Gap moment of HorseGuyTV for sure. Zita’s not a bad model either. Tech style tee is by Draper Equine Therapy.

This was all Janice in a creative moment. I love the juxatposition! Chanel pearls with gown by Hanna Hartnell.

All American photo. HorseGuy in American Apparel and HorseGirl in Bebe psuedo cowgirl top (thanks Denise!), turquoise neck piece and Silver jeans. Of course this All-American photo wouldn’t be complete without the beautifully obedient Weimaraner.

Again, another nice evening gown shot juxaposed with the old hay barn!

Like I said, there’s MANY more but these were some of the ones that immediately popped to me! Janice you rock!!!

An Artistic Month At HorseGirlTV

July 16, 2009

It’s been an artistic month at the HorseGirlTV studios in North Carolina! We’ve experienced the fabulous sounds from Frank & Cece of EquiChord and began the baby steps to dancing with horses and yesterday we had an equally artistic experience with our somewhat unusual photo shoot. A sofa in the field with horses was pretty darn fun. Carrara seems to enjoy the softness of the cushion and nuzzled and sniffed it with great intent.

This is Cararra and I having some couch time with another guy off in the background enjoying some afternoon grass! A wicked fun time!


Draper Bloopers

July 15, 2009

Janice and I had a fun-filled time with the Draper folks. Kristin and Kat were great and so my kinda peeps! Of course we had a few minor bloopers getting started. I should have practiced Kat’s last name!

So it seems I wasn’t sure if I was doing an intro for Draper Knitting or Draper Equine Therapy. It all worked out in the end! 🙂
[youtube width=”640″ height=”364″][/youtube]

Hey! I said Kat’s name correctly but just put it behind Kristin instead. Whew! Rough starts with the laughing but great interview and some kewl content by the end of it!
[youtube width=”640″ height=”364″][/youtube]

The Nicest Folks You Could Imagine

July 10, 2009

Frank and Cece of EquiChord drove down from Maryland today to shoot a series on musical freestyle for me. We’ve been virtual friends for quite a while now but this was the first time we met in real time and GOSH they are the NICEST FLIPPING PEOPLE! OMG! Too much fun! They are so talented, easy to work with so check them out if you get a chance online at and make sure and look into their book too!

Some great folks from Wilmington drove up to meet and check out the working process. They were part of the über kewl NC caravan to the recent PVDA Ride for Life (And NO, Frank and Cece are NOT flipping the bird at the camera, just showing off bands). I’ve been adopted to be part of next years caravan so check out our photos with our “NC Caravan For The Cure” bands!


Course what would it be without a vblog opportunity taken on my trusty 3Gs iPhone to get everyone to say hi and Ride for the Cure!! Check out the behind the scenes post EquiChord shoot!

[youtube width=”640″ height=”364″][/youtube]

My New Cooldown Specialist

July 9, 2009

Had a nice light workout with Carrara and Ex was kind enough to cool her out for me.


Here’s a video of the cooling out taken on my 3Gs iPhone!
[youtube width=”640″ height=”364″][/youtube]

My Michael Jackson

June 26, 2009

Okey so I know some of you are going to say this person and blog post has absolutely nothing to do with me, horses or HorseGirlTV but I must declare all of you incorrect. Much like Sir Paul McCartney and his Beatles buddies shaped modern rock n’ roll, this man (love him or hate him) Michael Jackson changed modern rock n’ roll forever by infusing it with his secret recipe; dash of moonwalk, pinch of crotch grabbing, simmered to create his genre changing pop style.

Now how does this have to do with horses, me or HorseGirlTV?

I grew up listening to MJ. I watched the advent of MTV with Friday Night Videos by way of a flicking black and white television screen. No, I’m not that old to have a black and white TV. We were just that poor to not afford color until later. I remember boycotting Pepsi after “they” burnt his hair. How sick (strep throat) I was when the Pepsi scandal happened and how it only made my hormonally fueled female self sicker but how much brighter my evening was when Brent dropped off flowers and the People Magazine with an article about MJ.

I learnt to moonwalk on the zebra striped linoleum of my father’s old taxidermy shop showroom wearing my knock-off red and black Thriller jacket. I watched in awe and terror (never been a scary movie person) for the world premier of Thriller and like many, I could still perform the dance sequences for you even 25 years later! I have been to quite a few concerts and have told people for years the Jackson Victory Tour (the final time he and his brothers ever toured together) was by far the best concert of my life. I’ve performed countless dance routines and tried to find new and exciting remixes of his music for incorporation into kur. Wait, did I type kur? Yes, how many musical freestyles have been inspired by Jackson? How many arenas have played his music during competitions?

Born to a sleepy southern town where kids grow up, take their parents jobs, produce babies and never leave that same sleepy town (think the 80s flick with Kevin Bacon, Footloose) I was inspired from an early age to be more than just a big fish, little pond person. If little Michael Jackson from small town Indiana could have the top selling album of all time then I could certainly achieve more and thus we’re here today, post dotcom luck/success story, producing the Internet’s leading equine based series about to take a sabbatical traveling to Holland, horse in tow (or flight as this case may be) to train with the best dressage rider in the world. Ok, so it’s not the top selling album of all time but I’ve moved around, seen the world and while it’s an ever evolving process I’ve have been and will continue to make my mark on this world with a tip of the hat to that early on inspiration.

So I do not feel silly or amiss when I say I mourn the loss of the life of a person I’ve never met. People are likening this to the assassination of Kennedy or the equally untimely death of Elvis Presley but to kids that grew up with the “Off the Wall” and “Thriller” Michael Jackson, we’re worlds apart from those ages and to compare would simply negate the power those losses held for the people of that time. You might not like me for admiring someone who’s been in company with some extremely bad press but all that aside, the man was the greatest performer and entertainer of my generation. He will be missed by many but the inspiration he’s created in his fans does not die with him. RIP Michael Jackson.

Photo is from one of my birthdays. Yes, it’s me, Brent and a Michael Jackson cake and NO I don’t remember if it was chocolate on the inside or not.