Keep Cool With Hot Summer Animo Fashion

July 9, 2012

Here’s the long and the short of it! Animo apparel is totally functional riding apparel. In fact, their full seat paired with my Antares saddle is a seriously comfy ride and that’s saying a GREAT deal considering how massive a mover Hansel is! Animo apparel is sexy. Animo apparel is comfy AND I seriously wear my breeches with pumps and rocking top out on the town for dinner. I even donned my jeans and open-toed Kenneth Coles for a Wilmington brunch a month ago! No joke! I get second and third looks and comments on how wonderful my trousers are so yeah… I think the Animo breech is the best way to be cool and on top of the hot summer fashion. I’m really looking forward to an our upcoming photo shoot where Hansel and I will rock our Antares gear, Animo shadbelly, trousers and top!

This brand is not for the faint hearted nor for the über classically minded people but for those of us that want to wear top functional riding apparel that’s oh too sexy and so very progressively styled then Animo is for you! Stay tuned in for more!

Shawn Flarida Tribute From Italians & Slide Or Die

July 9, 2012

Before the final of the NRHA Derby 2012 in Oklahoma City, Slide or Die wanted to create a tribute to the greatest reining champion… Shawn Flarida.

In order to do so we asked some of the top Italian and international elites to participate in the creation of a comic video as a homage to his career.

Shawn Flarida watched this video before his final go at the 2012 NRHA derby and the same night with Spooks Gotta Whiz he marked 226.5 becoming 2012 NRHA Derby Champion.

Who is P.J. O’Dwyer & Why Is She A Relentless Author?

June 29, 2012

I love spreading around awesome authors and am SO incredibly fortunate to get to communicate with so many of them! Enter P.J. O’Dwyer…

Born in Washington, D.C., and the oldest of five children, P.J. O’Dwyer was labeled the storyteller of the family and often accused of embellishing the truth. Her excuse? It made for a more interesting story. The proof was the laughter she received following her version of events.

After graduating high school in the suburbs of Maryland, the faint urgings of her imaginative voice that said “you should write” were ignored. She opted to travel the world instead. Landing a job in the affluent business district of Bethesda, Maryland, as a travel counselor, she traveled frequently to such places as Hawaii, Bahamas, Paris, New Orleans, the Alaskan Inland Passsage, and the Caribbean Islands.

Today, P.J. lives in western Howard County, Maryland, with her partner Mark, teenage daughter Katie, and their cat Scoot and German Shepherd FeFe in a farmhouse they built in 1998.

P.J.’s learning it takes a village to create a writer and relieved to know she’s not in this alone. She’s an active member of Romance Writers of America. Also participates in a critique group, which has been an invaluable experience with many friendships made and an abundance of helpful praise, and, yes, criticism. But it’s all good. Improving her craft is an ongoing process.

Writing is a passion that runs a close second to her family. When she’s not writing, she enjoys spending time with family and friends, fits in her daily run with her partner Mark, and tries heroically to keep up with her daughter Katie’s social life. Who knew how demanding the life of a teenager could be, especially for Mom?

When asked where she gets her ideas for her stories, she laughs ruefully and says, “It helps being married to a cop.” Actually, she admits, “Every day I find a wealth of possible stories and plots in the most unsuspecting place—my daily life.”

Why is she “Relentless” (yes it was an attempt at a pun, more like punishment I guess)? The real questions should be what is her book Relentless about?

Headstrong horse rescue director Bren Ryan has been a red-headed streak of trouble for more than one man in Clear Spring. She’s grown up needling local “kill buyer” Wes Connelly, and since the sheriff ruled her partner’s sudden death an accident, Bren’s been investigating things herself. She’s certain Tom was murdered, and she’s hell-bent on cornering his killer the only way she knows how—by tempting him to do it again. And she’s the bait.

Rafe Langston came to Maryland looking for land and a fresh start. Or so he says. The sexy cowboy isn’t generous with details, but Bren couldn’t care less—until he buys half her farm at auction and moves into her childhood home. Suddenly, the last man she should befriend becomes her only ally in solving her partner’s murder.

Soon their cozy stakeouts sizzle with unexpected desire neither one can ignore, threatening his mysterious plans and her promise to never fall in love again—especially with a handsome stranger whose secrets could shatter what family she has left.

What do the cool peeps (besides me of course) have to saw about this intriguing novel?
“O’Dwyer is a master at putting emotion to paper and making it convincing. Relentless is high intensity at its best.”
—All Books Review

“An absorbing tale of murder, romance, and horses…. O’Dwyer creatively expresses the redemptive powers of love and one woman’s devotion to saving ill fated horses. This gripping novel unfolds in surprising ways and its twists and turns will have readers on the edge of their seats until the very end. This entertaining story provides satisfaction for mystery devotees, romance readers and horse lovers all in one well written book.”
—Mimi Peabody
secretary, Alaska Equine Rescue State of Alaska

“RELENTLESS is a skillful mix of romance and suspense. O’Dwyer spins a believable tale where no one is what they seem.”
—Elizabeth Wood
president, South Carolina Awareness and Rescue for Equines State of South Carolina

“A sexy cowboy, murder and mayhem, and the power of love makes RELENTLESS a galloping good read. Bren Ryan’s near-manic devotion to saving horses is no exaggeration. Neither are the cloak and dagger mysteries that seem to follow her everywhere she goes. This entertaining and believable story of the underbelly of horse rescue will keep you breathless right to the end.”
—Jenny Edwards
founder and director, Hope For Horses State of Washington

“RELENTLESS will captivate you from beginning to end. The absolute plight of horse rescue -splendidly infused with romance and mystery will keep you in utter suspense. A truly amazing read!”
—Jenny Cramer
Reaching Hands Ranch Horse Rescue State of Wyoming

Why am I sharing on this right now?

She has a cool contest that’s just launching! You can read all about her giveaway via and likewise stick around the blog in the coming week or two for a HorseGirlTV® featured giveaway of a few autographed copies as well!

To learn more about PJ and Relentless, point your browser to her website at and tell her you heard she was a relentless author here first! Haha!

Cool Italian Slide Or Die Tees For Hot Summer Days!

June 29, 2012

Slide or die! How cute is that name? Being that I’m a huge fan of all things reining and a childhood western rider, I totally appreciate the western themes! I am wearing my pink 3 rules Slide or Die tee as I write this post. It goes without saying it’s kewl! Duh?! I’m wearing it! Tehe! No seriously, it’s cool in a literal and fashion sense, it’s quite comfy, it’s a nice fit without hugging and the logo is simply too fun!

What is slide or die? Slide or Die is a clothing brand dedicated to professionals of western riding and all those who have a passion for horses. For those who wish to wear their passion every day.

 Slide or Die is not just a logo, it is a philosophy for life. 
For those who dream about being in the arena 
from the time they wake-up in the morning to the time they go to bed at night and every other waking hour.

 But Slide or Die is not just that. It’s following a passion without taking it too seriously.

 It is dedicated to all those who work and compete in the industry and for those who simply love and are devoted to horses. Slide or Die is an invitation to open the doors to the wild side of your soul and to begin following it everywhere.

I have the super cute pink rules and the Slide or Die v-necks in black and red. You can check them out online for yourself at Slide or Die in Red, Slide or Die in Black, and, Judges Rules in Pink!

How To Clean Your Tack With Absorbine Horseman’s One-Step Spray, Antares Leather Oil, Soap & Cream, and Stübben Hamanol

June 29, 2012

I receive heaps of emails asking about tack care and specifically about saddle and bridle care. I’ve used a variety of products over the years and there are many super ones out there! My favorites are:

Now here’s the basics of leather tack care. The idea is to keep leather supple, clean, free of dirt to maintain its peak form for training but likewise increase its lifespan.

IN THE BEGINNING: When you first get a new saddle or bridle it’s ideal to oil them in preparation for the intense life of training and most likely living in a none climate controlled tack room as well. 🙂 You can apply the Antares oil with a brush to all leather surfaces. On contact with oil an important change to the color often occurs on natural leather indicating the leather is now treated. 
Let this dry for 24 hours in a sheltered and temperate place. Changes in the leather color may continue during this time. From there use your saddle and bridle with normal use.

MAINTENANCE: It’s best if you can clean all parts with the glycerin soap using a clean, damp sponge, paying particular attention to any parts coming in contact with the horse about once a week. This will eliminate dust and sweat and keep the leather supple. 

Approximately once per month, hydrate and protect with a leather conditioner with a clean sponge. For those of you looking for a perfect finish, you can buff your leather with a smooth rag. 

Once a year or as needed in dry or harsh climates treat both your saddle and bridle by applying oil as you did IN THE BEGINNING.

Real Horse Hair Jewelry By Ocala Country Ventures

June 21, 2012

I’m always on the look out for unique, streamline, equine-inspired items so when I came across Ocala Country Ventures I was impressed. When looking for jewelry, less is more to me and it seems Carol and Colleen at OCV design just that. They were kind enough to send me a few items to give away to fans so we’ll get started with that at some point soon too so check back here for details!


Ocala Country Ventures is owned by Carol Hagerty and her partner is Colleen Bruneau. They both grew up around horses, so it gives them a great amount of pleasure to be working with something they both love so much. Carol and Colleen, take whatever measures possible to ensure your satisfaction with their products and website and their website is beautiful by the way!Each piece of our jewelry is individually made with care from natural, donated horse hair. By personally braiding each piece by hand, instead of hitching all of our pieces, they have developed a line of products that are truly inspired and innovative among our industry. Their horse hair comes only from horses that have passed and has been donated by their owners. Carol and Colleen feel these horses give back to by allowing them to create artwork out of their hair and on some level, they honor these great animals by bringing their beauty to others.

Check out their website at