My New Favorite German, Peter Fox And His Alles Neu

October 20, 2009

So I don’t have/watch TV stateside but I’ve been watching, actually listening in the background, to some MTV here and discovered my favorite German band. He’s kinda rapper, kinda singer but definite showman with nice orchestration (love the strings!!!) and his top hit right now has some rocking drumline beats! You can’t buy it on iTunes stateside and I couldn’t fake out iTunes to think I was shopping from The Netherlands even tho I REALLY am! So I broke down and bought my first CD in almost an entire decade! It’s Peter Fox and the hit right now is Alles Neu but the album has some nice additional titles to it as well! Enjoy!!

[youtube width=”640″ height=”364″][/youtube]

The Grass Is Greener When You’re Grazing With Anky’s Bonfire!

October 17, 2009

So Bonfire actually grazed in the same turn out as two cute shetland ponies but I do get to turn Carrara out for a bit on the occasion and it’s very neat for me to see her grazing on the same pastures as the amazing Bonfire!

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Anky’s Lorrey Getting Packed For Denmark

October 16, 2009

There are three trucks. Yes, small, medium and large and as Anky, Sjef and the kids are heading to Denmark with Salinero this weekend for the show in Odenza this one was getting setup and packed. The lorrey is quite nice and I just love the custom paint of each!


Success in Odenza Anky and Sali!

Anky’s First International Reining Competition

October 16, 2009

This evening was Anky’s first international reining competition and I was personally amazed at how much her spins had improved since her first reining competition only one month ago. It was really nice to watch the reiners go. I met a very nice Canadian judge and talked about the AQHA and youth riding a bit. Again it was just a bit surreal for me to feel like I was standing around as a child in Texas watching the Quarters work and of course I was quickly pulled out of that moment when I hear Dutch being spoken all around me. I even spotted a blue healer dog! It’s a complete package of the American western scene here! Too cool!


The Lovely Folks At The Tack Factory At Stal Anky van Grunsven!

October 14, 2009

I’m always greeted with a smile and hello from the great folks at The Tack Factory. Currently their offices are located in this temporary building while the construction is going on but the new offices at the front of the indoor arena appear to be coming along quite nice and sound like they will certainly be worth the wait.

It’s just so easy to feel at home around such fun and positive people. They definitely know how to enjoy life!


It’s A Bird. It’s A Plane. No… It’s A Crane!

October 12, 2009

There’s tons of building activity going on at Stal Anky and this crane was working today to put more of the arena roof on. It’s great practice for showing and bomb proofing your horse! Again, again, again… such a great lesson today with Anky and Carrara. It’s really starting to gel now. I’m getting a super soft feel and today we even starting getting into some more schooling of the quality of gates within the half-pass, shoulder-in and flying changes. Her canter is getting soooooo super and the walk, so flipping light!!!

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