Happy Christmas Eve HorseGirlTV Fans

December 24, 2009

Happy holidays to you all. It’s a beautiful day here in NC and while it will be cold it boasts to be a beautiful cold day. The dogs are already enjoying the morning sun and don’t have a clue about the whole Santa Claus thing!

This was too precious not to pass along!


I hope you all have a wonderful day and remember to nominate HorseGirlTV for Streamy Awards! http://www.streamys.org/submit/public-submissions/ and nominate for Best Hosted Web Series! 🙂 Thanks!

First Ride Since CEM

December 23, 2009

We had our first ride since CEM quarantine release today. The footing wasn’t ideal and I shouldn’t have worn my brand new, never before walked or ridden in, boots but the weather was ideal and it was a humbling experience. Carrara, per usual, was a good girl just a bit rusty. I think give us a little decent weather, dry riding conditions and we’ll be back in a nice routine in a week.


I’m not sure what was so exciting to look at at the other end of the arena but it made for a nice picture of her.


Carrara Released From CEM

December 22, 2009

Carrara was released from CEM. She was a champ loading (of course) and so quite all the way back. They asked since it was hailing and sooo cold if I wanted to blanket her in my trailer. Heck no, I don’t want her getting too hot. I’d especially brought my Draper anti-sweat sheet so she’s be not too cold, not too hot but JUST right and when we got back to my stable 4 hours later she was just perfect warm under the Draper anti-sweat! Check them out if you have a sec at http://draperequinetherapy.com. Totally awesome people and high tech products that rock! Here’s Carrara in her anti-sweat before walking into the Brenderup horse box to head home!


We hit a bit of hail but other than this little spurt it was a beautiful, chilly day!


Carrara wasn’t the only one that was a quiet traveler. Picollo was just being a horrible co-pilot and I had to grab this picture of him zonked out in his carrier in the passenger seat. Do note his nose is pressed hard up again the edge and his front teeth exposed. Too cute!


All I Want For Christmas

December 21, 2009

I was sooooo excited when Ex showed me what arrived via post today! Yeah! My custom Petrie Polo Boots! They were definitely beautiful to look at pulling them from the package but then slipping them on and zipping them up!? Oh my goodness! It felt like my foot and leg was gently wrapped in supportive material. I can’t wait to ride in them! I think Picollo appreciates them as well. What do you think?


Oh and I didn’t mention that Anky autographed the inside of them for me. So nice!!

Well all I wanted for Christmas was to enjoy our stable here in NC and relax with Ex being thankful he’s no longer in Iraq and actually home for the holidays! Now with that said, I’ve been needing a lunge and side reins (after 10 years my other sets are completely done for) so I did a little shopping at Equestrian Collections this morning buying lunge and side reins. Check them out if you have a second. They sell Draper Products AND they are offering HorseGirlTV viewers a $10 off coupon. Just use the coupon code HorseGirlTV when you check out! Yah!

What’s Outside The Window?

December 19, 2009

I’m wondering this myself as I was grabbing my iPhone to take the picture. Zita’s such an interesting creature and Ex is pretty interesting himself too!


For Your Consideration. Nominate HorseGirlTV For Streamy Awards!

December 17, 2009

Anyone can nominate HorseGirlTV for the Streamy Awards so we’re calling on all HorseGirlTV fans! Click each category to nominate HorseGirlTV for the Streamy Awards! **PLEASE, be sure to select the correct category from the drop down menu on the Streamy site.** We’ve made it über simple! Just click each link below and you’ll be taken to the correct nomination page for that category. You can nominate each category one time daily until the nominations close on January 15, 2010 so make sure and start your mornings off right with a surfing of HorseGirlTV Streamy Awards nominations!

Best Hosted Web Series Nominate HorseGirlTV at http://bit.ly/7xgs7P

Best Web Series Host Nominate Angelea Kelly at http://bit.ly/5LD3O9

Best Editing In A Web Series Nominate Brent Streeper at http://bit.ly/5LD3O9

Best Branded Entertainment Web Series Nominate Absorbine at http://bit.ly/7xgs7P

Best Guest Star In A Web Series Nominate Maeghan Ridley at http://bit.ly/5LD3O9

Best Original Music In A Web Series Nominate Frank Maddlone at http://bit.ly/5LD3O9

Best Product Integration In A Web Series Nominate Absorbine at http://bit.ly/7xgs7P

Help us get one step closer to the Streamy Awards red carpet and further bringing the horse world to mainstream audiences! Pass it around! “We can do it!” With the support of… (look down and click!)
