Some People Have Suits, I Have Apparel

January 31, 2010

I was just doing laundry (yes we all have to do it sometime) and realized that some people have suits they take the to the laundry while I have equestrian apparel. It’s was a nice thought that I can wear for work what I also love to do and that revolves around horses. Now after getting back from Holland I don’t have any qualms about going out in public in my riding gear (less my dress or polo boots) as it’s really common there and even the awesome ladies that work at The Tack Factory (Hi Ellen!!!!!! I miss you guys! Picollo says hello to Asha!). Training in Oregon and SoCal it wasn’t much of a thing but you don’t see to many dressage folks in this area so you do get interesting stares from the local farmers or military crowd. I’m proud of the life I have and the tasks and apparel that goes with it so I’ll be picking my fruit at the local market alongside the folks in their business attire with pride. Oh and with a little detergent, cold water wash inside out and hang to dry, my work clothes are MUCH easier, cheaper and better for the environment to clean! Yah!


First Ride On The Young Horse

January 29, 2010

So I had a great first ride on the gelding and completely forgot to blog about it or post pictures. Dang you Twitter account! So yes, I did Tweet this picture and, for whatever reason, remembered this morning I did not blog it! Zoinks! So this was post first ride on the gelding and no, he still doesn’t have a name yet. I’m thinking Sir Bolero since he’s a Sir Donnerhall (Sandro Hit) out of a Bolero mare then I could just call him Bo as in the Bo from Dukes of Hazzard (the original, not the crappy movie remake) as he is quite handsome.

Sorry, I digress. Here’s the picture. He was awesome! Ex refused to let me off the lunge for the picture and told me he’d never been that nervous in his entire life. What? This guy (Marine) who studied combat life saving, trained in combat, deployed to Iraq and is someone who I personally consider a pretty brave human was nervous? Guess it’s different when it’s his wife that could potentially be bucked off. 😉 The long and the short, the little guy was splendid and he’s now going quite well without the lunge around the arena even and touching on some really basic leg yielding plus he long lines soooo nicely it makes me want to take up driving! Nah! Not really, I like riding too much. So without further delay here’s the picture.


Chickens In The Sun

January 23, 2010

That title sounds like it should be some classic rock song but really it’s just simply stated that we put the chickens in the sun today. They are currently in the old hay barn under lights but it was such a lovely day that why not get them some vitamin D! I think an chicken tractor is in order at some point this spring and can’t wait for these gals to start laying again! I think they are almost finished molting so hopefully they’ll be back in the nests boxes shortly after!


Innovative Horse Bedding!

January 22, 2010

So I’m about to start trying out this bedding I found which seems quite innovative. I know nothing first hand but from reading about it. It’s 100% pine sawdust, twice filtered for dust and compressed using 10,000 pounds of pressure into a pelleted form. We’re going to swap bedding this week and start using it. It should be as easy as pouring a few 40 pound bags into the stall, spreading evenly and adding water to fluff. I think the innovative Shaken Fork I use should be perfect for this product actually! A couple reasons why I’m so interested in this bedding?.. We currently have 4 acres so space is a concern and shavings bags do take up a large footprint. These bags in this picture is about a 4 months supply of bedding for 2 horses!! So lower carbon footprint based on the shipping plus much less space requirement at your stable. Another big selling point for me is we’re wanting to compost and taking little steps to sustainability so the less bedding we pull out and more just manure that we pull the smaller and more rich pile we’ll have! Well, I’m excited to try and and SOOOO thankful that I have a job where I can test really innovative products and meet such kewl people in the industry! More to follow and we might even do a webisode on it! So stay tuned or as we say… Tune in. Tack up.


The Horse With No Name Is Going Well

January 21, 2010

Yes, the gelding doesn’t have a name yet but I’d really like a great name since he’s for resale. He’s just too cute but I don’t want to give him a cutesy name as there’s such great movement in this guy that he needs something a bit more powerful. Well the name aside, he’s doing great and we’re going walk, trot and canter around the arena now and he’s starting to get it. He has great changes in his pasture that I’m kinda bummed my plan is to sell him this year but who knows what will happen. I still have a safety person present and Ex has been that person for me. He snapped a couple of quick photos with the iPhone while I was lunging. I think he’s still a bit too nervous and busy watching to snap some while I’m riding around but we’ll get some soon and post. I’m also planning some video and photo shoot with the mare soon so that should be too much fun and hopefully yield some great footage and images. Oh and for those techie viewers, nope… that isn’t Photoshop! The weather these past few days has been simply amazing! So the grass is still it’s nice winter brown but the sky has been spectacular!


Yes I know I’m lunging with a helmet on but I put it on when we walk out to the court so I don’t forget to attach it to my head before mounting. Tehe!

Finalists In The Anky Saddle Giveaway!

January 21, 2010

ankyremy1Equestrian Collections, English Riding Supply and HorseGirlTV teamed up to giveaway an ANKY Remy Carriat Dressage Saddle. We’ll be announcing the winner on February 28th so remember to Tune in. Tack up. with us here at HorseGirlTV for the winner announcement! We just sent a Tweet today about the finalists selection so if you’re already following up on Twitter then you already know! Submit finalist selection entry to Team HorseGirlTV for the drawing in March by filling out the form online at

This FREE, brand new ANKY Dressage Saddle is valued at $2800.00!

Any taxes are the responsibility of the winner. The decision of the judges is final. The winner will be announced on here and on Equestrian Collections sometime in March so remember to check back!

This contest is void where prohibited by law. If we have a winner located outside the US, they will pay shipping of the saddle.

Best of luck to you all in this awesome give away! A big thanks goes to Chris at Equestrian Collections ( for putting this all together AND more importantly providing the give away saddle! Thanks for your support EC! As I always say, thanks for watching HorseGirlTV and we’ll see you next time!

Tune in. Tack up.

Angelea and Team HorseGirlTV!