We Need A Forklift

March 6, 2010

Whew! We need a forklift! Three days and a few broken backs later and the 200 forty pound bags of Equine Pine are moved from the offloading on our country road to dry storage in the barn. We have been testing the Equine Pine product for the last month and I’m in love with it. It’s economical, SO easy to work with, better for the environment with a smaller carbon footprint than shavings or straw AND for smaller farms it’s idea that you can store enough bedding for a couple horses for an entire year just in a few simple pallets!!

It’s just too kewl not to share so as soon as the weather clears up and it’s almost enjoyable to be outside, we’re going to shoot a webisode on the Equine Pine product!

Check them out if you have a chance at http://www.equinepine.com/. It seems like a great company, they own their own plants so you know you’re going to get a consistent product and they just seem like all around nice folks! Now lifting the bags wasn’t too hard but it would have been all said and done in a matter of minutes if we had a forklift to move them for us. 😉


These Explain Sandro’s Fussy Attitude

March 4, 2010

So the “horse with no name” now has a name! Because I called him the “horse with no name” for so long I double checked the band that sang that song and it’s America. His sire is Sir Donnerhall and he’s out of a Bolero mare so there’s direct Sandro link and being a Westphalian he needed to have a name starting with the same letter as his sire so an “S” which led me to call him Sandro’s Amerika. Now there was a famous singer named Sandro de America that was revolutionary in his time being the first latino to sell out Madison Square Garden and how appropriate I thought since I think this little Sandro has the movement to be a record breaker as well and like the latino singer the looks to wow the crowds. I haven’t really decided on a barn name for him but Sandro seemed to fit for this blog post at least!

I could tell he needed his teeth done but what I didn’t know is that he was extra fussy the last few weeks because he still had his wolf teeth and they hadn’t even pushed through yet. Poor little guy. I felt so sorry for him but they are happily out. He’s loving putting his bridle back on again and once we get more than one day of decent weather I’m looking forward to getting back into a regular training routine with him so we can get him going and list him for sale. He’s just too cute!

Wolf teeth no more!


Breakfast In Bed (Or In This Case, The Field Bedding)

March 1, 2010

I was passing out a light lunch just now and Carrara was sunning herself on the other side of the field. Feeling very nice, I thought to go feed her next to where she was laying down, Well… setting the food down in front of her, she looked up at me like the princess that she is, looked at the food bowl and proceeded to eat lying down! Gotta love it! A short video of this was too funny to pass up.

[quicktime width=”480″ height=”320″]https://blog.horsegirltv.com/imgs-all/carrara_eating.mov[/quicktime]

The White Rabbit Wasn’t Late This Time

February 28, 2010

Are you late for a very important date? Well, I showed up well in time for a charity luncheon tea themed party. Each table held a theme and I was invited to the Alice in Wonderland theme. I guess she couldn’t get anyone else to dress up as the White Rabbit so I was let in on the gig. Of course I jumped at the chance to dress up like a bunny and sit with a group of ladies at a fairly tale designed table. Janice, the host of our table, did an amazing job putting the design together and each of the participants were great! I didn’t get a group picture emailed to me yet but this is one of me just before the event started. We had the Queen of Hearts, Alice (of course!), Mad Hatter, Tweedle Dee and Dum and the White Rabbit too.

The food was great. The conversation at our table oh too fun and it was really nice that proceeds from this clubs events go to high school scholarships in the local area!

Oh check out the vest from http://www.ridingcouture.com/ and of course I’m wearing white breeches and a riding scarf so a bit of horsey got into the rabbit costume!


Our First Egg In 2010

February 26, 2010

After a hiatus from laying our hens decided to start working again. This is our first egg of 2010. Unfortunately only one sad day after this photo was taken, our neighbors dog came down and killed one of our hens. Then there were two. It was really sad to watch that unmanaged dog run back home down the street with our food providing hen, dead in her mouth. This will likely stunt their laying and set us back further still buying eggs. At least our other neighbors hens are laying and we can buy from them to keep it local and fresh.


This is a reminder to pet owners. Please be responsible. Spay and neuter your pets. Don’t buy from puppy mills and for heavens sake DON’T let your dogs run loose all over your neighbors property. But then again, I would imagine most all HorseGirlTV viewers ARE responsible pet owners and don’t need this sort of reminder.

Recent Local Fix-A-Test Event

February 25, 2010

A local stable called Blossom Ferry Farm (http://blossomferryfarm.com/) offered a Fix-A-Test recently and I drove out to meet some of the locals as well as watch Tanya and Fidge go. It was a bit of a trek to get there but well worth it meeting several nice dressage folks! Tanya and Fidge were super as shown by a few pictures I snapped with my trusty iPhone.


Here’s Tanya getting a few notes from the Fix-A-Test judge Susie.


No DQ (or Kings) here! I was met with big smiles and even handed a cooler with something to put in it! Wow! These folks roll the way I like to enjoy a horsey afternoon, mellow and without pretension! The owner of Blossom Ferry, Paige, actually gave me 2 of the coolers which I proudly brought home and look forward to enjoying outdoors as the weather warms up!


It was such a great time and I look forward to getting out and meeting more local soon!