I love to write. I’m actually writing my very first novel (one of many I have pages and pages of notes on) at this time and it’s turning into a juicy series actually! Spicy, drama loving horse peeps stay tuned!

I also love to share and give back however I and HorseGirlTV can. I remember long ago when I was first sending out submissions to magazines, yes we snail mailed submissions back in the day. It became a ritual to keep all my numerous rejection letters and they built up to become a sign of that little train chugging its way to the top of the mountain reciting, ‘I think I can. I think I can. I think I can.’ and well… now?.. ‘I know I can. I know I can. I know I can.’ so it was with that in mind that we decided to offer a guest blogging spot on my blog here at HorseGirlTV.

What I didn’t imagine is that we would receive SOOOOOO many amazing submissions and ideas from fans and viewers around the globe! The collection and the ideas were impressive! We narrowed them down to finalists who have been emailed and ALL the finalists have an opportunity to write a contributing guest blog here on HorseGirlTV! So we will all get to share in their wonderful stories! Yeah!!!!

We will be drawing the winner from our finalists and I will be announcing the winner, uh, ahem, now! Drum roll please. (insert drum roll in your mind here please, tehe). The winner of the HorseGirlTV Guest Blogging Contest and recipient of an awesome journal from the wonderful folks at Barnby Notes is – Marsha Stone! Congrats!!!

Marsha is a carriage driving, tour guide in Florida and wants to share a tale or two about the many hours she and Gary (her horse) spend together and the unusual experiences they share as they trapse through the old city at night together.

Again congrats Marsha and congrats to all our finalists too! I, and I know the fans & viewers, look forward to reading your tales and exciting blogs in the near future.

AND a Happy Thanksgiving to all of you stateside!


  • Thank you, Angelea! I am looking forward to sharing a small part of my life with Gary, the black percheron carriage horse, and some of our adventures in the oldest city, St. Augustine, FL!

  • Having enjoyed the transcendent historical experience of seeing St. Augustine FL by carriage, I’m sure Marsha will have wonderful sagas to recount! Congratulations Marsha for picking up these blogging reins!

  • Congratulations, Marsha! Look forward to hearing your story, and honored to be in the company of the other finalists. Thanks, Angelea, for bringing your great idea to fruition.

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