I was sooooo excited when Ex showed me what arrived via post today! Yeah! My custom Petrie Polo Boots! They were definitely beautiful to look at pulling them from the package but then slipping them on and zipping them up!? Oh my goodness! It felt like my foot and leg was gently wrapped in supportive material. I can’t wait to ride in them! I think Picollo appreciates them as well. What do you think?


Oh and I didn’t mention that Anky autographed the inside of them for me. So nice!!

Well all I wanted for Christmas was to enjoy our stable here in NC and relax with Ex being thankful he’s no longer in Iraq and actually home for the holidays! Now with that said, I’ve been needing a lunge and side reins (after 10 years my other sets are completely done for) so I did a little shopping at Equestrian Collections this morning buying lunge and side reins. Check them out if you have a second. They sell Draper Products AND they are offering HorseGirlTV viewers a $10 off coupon. Just use the coupon code HorseGirlTV when you check out! Yah!