Is someone you know getting a tablet for the holidays? Treat your horsey-and-tech-savvy friends right with a few of TSB’s bestselling books in digital format! The following titles are available in Kindle
and eBooks!
These are some of my personal favorites this last year: (not in any particular order either)
Off Course: An A Circuit Novel
How Good Riders Get Good: Daily Choices That Lead to Success in Any Equestrian Sport by Denny Emerson
These are some other great books:
The Seven Deadly Sins of Dressage by Douglas Puterbaugh with Lance Wills
Academic Equitation: A Training System Based on the Methods of D’Aure, Baucher and L’Hotte by General Decarpentry
Clinton Anderson’s Downunder Horsemanship: Establishing Respect and Control for English and Western Riders by Clinton Anderson with Ami Hendrickson
The Complete Guide to Hunter Seat Training, Showing, and Judging: On the Flat and Over Fences by Anna Jane White-Mullin
Dressage for the Not-So-Perfect Horse: Riding Through the Levels on the Peculiar, Opinionated, Complicated Mounts We All Love by Janet Foy with Nancy J. Jones