Some of the walls in my office have undergone a reworking with new drywall and once that was all finished a nice bright color has followed. I went with Valspar’s 3001-1B “Dandelion Wish” and it’s fabulous! The trim color is Valspar’s 3001-2C “Champagne Tickle” and viewing the finished product, I’m tickled beyond delight and all my wishes of a fabulous new look to the HorseGirlTV® studio office have been fulfilled. We just need to get the art and photography up and all set!


Or course Carrara didn’t care either way but the view out the window to her is MUCH improved. Do note the adorable baby picture in the black frame on the shelf behind my desk! And also my Aunt Roberta’s horse clock! It’s many, many years old and I’m so happy she passed it on to me. RIP Aunt Roberta!


Of course a bright new office deserves some wacky furniture and I was thinking this foot stool goes quite well with the farm and horse girl theme. What do you think? Send me your thought to the HorseGirlTV Facebook page at
