Don’t Read Too Much Into My Blogs

January 6, 2010

Another Happy New Year to you HorseGirlTV Fans!

I guess third time is the charm so I thought it would be nice to publish a little blog about it. HorseGirlTV has been producing great equine entertainment now for 3 years (going on 4! wow!) and I’ve three times received comments about my blog to the nature that they are about a particular person, project or company. Both positive and not-so-positive.

Most of my blogs are images with a little text and chronicled experiences, interviews or lifestyle of the production and/or training here at HorseGirlTV. I do occasionally write a blog that is meant to be helpful or inspiration and its written in a commentary style. If you see a topic on one of these pieces (or any blog for that matter) that you feel relates specifically to you and I’m somehow singling you out, please do consider what I write about could happen to you and many other folks in the industry as well. I mostly write based on my personal experiences and also in generalities within the industry. If it’s happened to me, it might have happened to you and likely your stablemate next door too!

On another note, and I’ve written about this in the past, the horse world truly is a rewarding and challenging group of folks to work with. I’ve met some of the nicest, most talented people in my 27 years of working with horses and with horse folks and I’m very thankful for those experiences and all the ones that await me in the future. Furthermore, training with Anky has given me a bit more insight into other realms of being. I and my training with Anky have been the topic of some bulletin boards as of late. The first few I saw I was a bit alarmed at how the people talking about me actually knew nothing about me and how clear that was from their statements. It was also so wonderful to read HorseGirlTV fans writing in to these same bulletin boards expressing closer to true statements about who I am, what I do and where I’ve been. I guess what I’m getting down to is the lesson we could all learn from working in the equine industry or flat-out living in this world is know yourself and be true to yourself because honestly no one else can ever come as close to those two things as you can. Being honest with yourself will allow you more easily to be honest with others, honest while working with your horses and create a better training and personal environment all around.

I’m really looking forward to 2010 with HorseGirlTV, riding my wonderful horses and working here at the stable. The future of new media is continually developing and I’m so happy to see more and more of the horse world embracing these great educational technologies we have at our fingertips. Happy New Year and beyond being honest and true with yourself — wink, wink… don’t see too far into this blog post!

Stunned Wild Bird On A Stick

January 1, 2010

Happy New Year HorseGirlTV Fans!

While enjoying morning coffee on this first day of 2010 a blue bird propelled itself into our living area window. A bunch of birds began to flock around it while a fellow blue bird pecked at it and we couldn’t figure out if it was saying get up and fly away or simply trying to kill it. Since they were both males it’s my guess he was trying to kill it with survival of the fittest and all. We watched it for a while and the other blue bird and its buddies flew away and it just sat there with its beak open and left wing extended. Finally it closed its beak and wing so I went outside to get a better look and see if it had broken something or was truly just stunned from banging into the window. I flapped its wings at me and to test it’s legs I got it to perch on a stick. I sat the stick in a sheltered area up a bit so it might recover in quiet. It was quite a pretty bird! Here’s a few pictures…


