The weather, while windy cold, has been mostly beautiful with clear, crisp looking skies. This makes for a not so pleasant wind chill but the sun is a welcome factor to make working outside a pleasure with the proper layers! The routine at the stable is almost a perfect machine. When the horses are out, the stable is cleaned and everything prepped for dinner. If you’re like me, you just love the look of a freshly cleaned, watered and swept stable. I snapped a shot to admire the view! I am just SOOOO happy with this stable from J&N Structures. Those guys really do craft a fabulous product! Ex is talking about a garage or area he can park the car and change his oil and I’m going to highly suggest the J&N Structures garage. It would be a perfect match to the stable and setup in an hour or so!!!


Ex is finishing up a sawhorse for me to help make set and tear down for training easier. While it’s not as fancy as the molded, tongue and groove (likely teak wood) sawhorses that holds Anky’s saddle pads and saddles in between tackings, it’s functional and it’s a perfect fit for the stable since it’s custom measurements for the stable and for me! Thanks again Ex! Here’s Ex and Zita finishing it up.


As soon as it was ready I was eager to start staining it to match the stable.

