christmas just keeps coming early!

October 14, 2008

we had a fabulous shoot yesterday with the HOOF-it folks! they are so cool but what did i expect from people that put out innovative hoof products?? definitely awesome! they brought me more gifts! this time, some wicked styling coffee mugs with the perfect “burrr it’s cold outside” hand cupping action! check HOOF-it out online at

it’s beginning to look a lot like christmas!!!

October 8, 2008

not because all the stores have halloween AND thanksgiving AND christmas stuff up but because i received 3 huge boxes weighing a total of 71 pounds from HOOF-it. they are this innovative hoof care company and i’m so honored they are flying out here to NC from CA this next week to shoot and episode with us. i’m very excited to learn about composites shoes and their advantages! check them out if you get a chance at


October 6, 2008

one is for me. one is for Ex. one is for picollo and the other for lucy. guess you can’t tell which one lucy gets? PS – she’s a grey!

there’s another female… she’s a mare!

October 1, 2008

i’m getting an 11yo tb/percheron cross back in shape so Ex can hopefully lease or buy her. he loves grooming, walking and jogging with her on the ground. she’s a super sweetie and actually it’s been quite fun working with her.