Mine and Joewell’s 7 month anniversary marked the best ride of my life! It was an accident really that on the day of our anniversary we simply “clicked” but it was the best feeling ever and unfortunately I don’t have any witty or creative way to put it so simply stated it was fabulous. I dare even venture to state he quite possible gave me his most solid, elevated and through passage of his career! Yes, that was bold but that’s simply how it felt and appeared in the mirrors.
After talking with the gals at Lara’s farm this past month and learning more about horses, dressage and even a few profound life lessons from them all, I’ve started trying to listen to Jo rather then my previous attempts at telling him what to do. It’s starting to become more of a conversation than ultimatums and it’s working. He seems happier. I enjoy my rides more. I don’t need much spur and rarely ride with a whip and he’s forward, mostly engaged and so soft in my hands. Our training sessions are slowly becoming more consistent, quiet and effective. I’m still looking forward to my departure for Europe and my plans are ever (and I do mean E-V-E-R) changing. Leaving Ashland will now be bittersweet for several reasons but my opportunities abound at this in my life and I’m taking them. In regards to the ever changing part, I’m not sure what this will mean but there is a chance I’ll be training at a facility in Holland for a period of time and I’m thinking of skipping the Sunshine Tour in the south of Spain simply because I want to be 1000% ready for international competition before I enter at “A” for my next Grand Prix. I’ll know more at the end of this week as to my potential new directions but I’m thinking my first big show will be Samur, France in May.
Other than having my best ride ever it’s the same old, same old in Ashland. Circus class last night and dinner at the sheep followed. I had a not-so-memorable yet generally fun evening out with Lara and Abbey last Friday night and it was certainly a blast hanging with the girls. Picollo is as spoiled as ever. Ashland is hella cold right now. HorseGirlTV is starting to come together now and I’m hoping to have a rough cut of one episode before I leave the country! And yes… I know I use exclamation marks far too much lately but that’s how life feels and I’m rolling with it AND I’ve started saying “sorry” far too much lately when it’s not appropriate so I’ll take note of that and change it.